SharePoint 2013 – Navigation using Managed Metadata (Term Store)

Brand new in SharePoint 2013 is the ability to apply friendly urls to pages, goodbye to /Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=568 urls. Another huge improvement to Navigation is that we can manage it using the Term Store or Managed Metadata.

You will find the Term Store very familiar, it look and acts the same so creating terms won’t be too hard if you are used to SharePoint 2010. But in case it’s your first time, Managed Metadata means that “Terms” or words if you, will be centrally stored and managed. You can delegate the rights to manage the Term Group and provide ways of writing a word based on the language.

Here is how to manage SharePoint 2013 Navigation using Friendly URLs

  1. Click on Site Settings (now on the top right)
  2. Next, click on Navigation under “Look and Feel” usually on the top right
  3. You will find yourself in the Global and Current Navigation settings menu. The Global Navigation is the menu at the top and the Current Navigation is the one on the left.
    For each of these you can choose to use “Managed Navigation” or “Structural Navigation”
    The one we are looking at today is Managed.
  4. What we need to do next is to create our Navigation items in the Term Store. Lower in the page you will find an option to Open the “Term Store Management Tool”.
  5. In the Term Store Management Tool, use the left pane to navigate to the Term Set you want to use for the navigation.
  6. Using the little drop down arrow on the Term Set, Create Terms to reflect your desired navigation.

  7. Now for each Term (navigation links) we have just created, use the tabs at the top to manage “Navigation” and “Term-Driven Pages”.You can choose between two Navigation Node Types:
    -Simple Link or Header
    -Term-Driven Page with Friendly URLThe Simple Link or Header is the more traditional hyperlink to an item or create a heading to group links.
    The Term-Driven is a little more powerful as it allows for friendly urls.
  8. Next we will set the Friendly URL by moving to the next tab for the term, Term-Driven Pages. There you will find options to change the friendly url as well as setting the target page for the hyperlink. (Can even set SEO properties! – cool)Click on Save when you are done
  9. Time to see the results, notice my url
  10. Don’t forget that we are using the Managed Metadata Service (Term Store) which means you can have more than 1 level in the navigation.

15 thoughts on “SharePoint 2013 – Navigation using Managed Metadata (Term Store)

  1. guillaumemeyer

    Reblogged this on {IMHO} and commented:
    Les nouveautés de SharePoint 2013 pour l’utilisation des “Managed Metadata”

  2. Pingback: How to get started with SharePoint 2013 » Christian Heindel – IT Solutions & Consulting

  3. Christian H

    Nice, that is an tutorial i was looking for! But one question do I still have: Is it possible to use the same navigation for different sitecollections?

    1. Benjamin Niaulin Post author

      Unfortunately no you cannot use the same term set for two Site Collection. However, you can “pin” your terms to another Term Set to be used with the other Site Collection. This way, you can manage it in one Term Set and it will affect the others as well. Hope it makes sense.

  4. cbk3000

    Hi Benjamin,
    Thanks for posting this. How about if we need to display a taxonomy navigator in a search site?

      1. Nelson Zambrano Kofinke

        Thanks for the email. Yes indeed, I am talking about a refiner built from the term store (MMS) showing a hirarchical expand/collapse structure (Parent->Children->GrandChildren relationship) Thanks

      2. Benjamin Niaulin Post author

        I haven’t done a custom one but I don’t see why not since refiners use Display Templates now. OOB is already using the Term Store as refiners and you can already specify which you want to use, but to have the whole expand/collapse thing you might need to build your own Display Template, but not sure. Sorry.

  5. Pingback: “Using Managed Metadata for navigation” SharePoint 2013 | SharePoint Developer Blog

  6. Pingback: SharePoint 2013 – Navigation using Managed Metadata (Term Store) « Jivane's Blog

  7. Franco Bao

    Thanks for the post Benjamin, The only issue i am having is that for each child elements inside the parent of the term set, I get a page not found error even after i have attached a page to that term. It seems to be okay for the top level node, but i am having issues with the child elements for each parent node. Any ideas why this is happening, Thanks in advance Benjamin!

  8. Suresh

    Hi Benjamin,
    Nice Article but want to know does your global navigation remains same on all pages. E.g. try it out on SIte Settings page.

  9. Web Guy

    Nice post and refreshing to see such nice options.

    I notice however that my menu tabs are sorted alphabetically. For example I want the Home tab first on left but it is changing it to About Us. I tried changing using the interface but it is not working. Is there a tab order setting I need to apply?

    1. Benjamin Niaulin Post author

      Have you tried looking in the Site Navigation Term Set of your Site Collection? It usually follows that order. You can change there if I am not mistaking and remembering properly

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